“I always wanted to write, but I had to earn a decent living first.”
Born and brought up in Egypt, Terzian received her basic education in Armenian, English and French. During her upbringing she was surrounded by rich ‘home spoken’ tongues of Arabic, Turkish, and Greek. These influences cultivated her love of words and the use of language from an early age.
At a time when higher education was considered superfluous for women and whilst individual circumstances prevailed, Terzian’s passion to write was put on hold in favor of more practical pursuits like making a living. She joined the World Health Organization (WHO), and made the culturally daring move from her family home in Cairo to live on her own in Alexandria.
Terzian’s first newsworthy article, “My First Chicken,” was published in the “Arev” Armenian daily in Cairo. Based on a work related travel to Lahore, she brought to life the unfamiliar complexity of cooking a chicken from scratch - that is from removing feathers, internal organs and such, to cooking in a tea kettle in the absence of any kitchen utensils. Her writing career began when her editor asked her to send him “more of the same.”
Terzian eventually applied for an expatriate assignment with the United Nations to Leopoldville, Congo - led by carpe diem despite dubious timing at the height of their civil war. This was followed by a short reassignment to Togo two years later.
During this time in the UN, Terzian’s fortune came through an uncommon glimpse of the world and availed her to travel across three continents and to eighteen countries, visiting her scattered family members and considering a stable place to next lay her roots.
Terzian eventually emigrated to the USA. Landing in New York, she immediately registered at Columbia University to study Comparative Literature, capturing her lifelong dream. However, her life’s agenda yet again did not abide by her wishes and two years later she moved across the country to Los Angeles with her baby to be close to her extended family. Her attention then shifted to single-parenthood, and her pursuit of higher education resulted in evening classes at California State University, Los Angeles, to obtain a degree in Business Management, hoping to secure a steadier income in a new career.
Terzian worked as an Internal Auditor for twelve years when a well-earned early retirement finally gave her the freedom to write. She never abandoned her maxim “I can and I will” which guided her throughout her life.
Terzian has attended writing courses at Haigazian College in Beirut, Columbia University in New York, UCLA in Los Angeles on a PEN scholarship, Writers Digest by correspondence and Santa Monica College Emeritus in Los Angeles where seniors have ample opportunity to express their last words.
Her articles, in English, have been published in newspapers, magazines, blogs, and online. Both of her published books are also available to order or download at bookstores online or can be ordered through brick and mortar bookstores.
Additional information about Terzian and her writing is available at Authorsden and Writer's Club of Whittier. She is active on Facebook and LinkedIn.